Our first stop on our adventure about an hour inside Yosemite National Park, is the beautiful and often passed by, Washburn Point.

The Northeasterly views of Yosemite from Washburn are simply spectacular. And yes, this viewpoint is just down the road from the absurdly beautiful Glacier Point, however this area is much less crowded, making it the perfect spot for some unforgettable family photos.

The outcropping of rocks at Washburn Point have extremely poignant views of the famed half dome (which you can see behind Mel and Jake in this photo), the mist trail waterfalls (Nevada and Vernal Falls), Liberty Cap and Mount Broderick.

We were able to find several perfect spots with supreme lighting to take some really great shots of the fun family gang at Washburn Point, in fact we loved this spot so much, we kept returning here throughout our couple days in Yosemite.

Here am I with our little wild man Jake posing for a photo with half dome as a back drop while mommy snaps away with our Beloved Fuji X100T. It is seriously our go to camera for all things Fun Family Adventure.

Enough with the photos of us, here are some really cool shots that truly showcase the breathtaking views from Washburn Point.

After visiting Washburn a couple times during the heat of the day we decided to take a sunset fun family adventure up to the point, which was truly worth the hour-and-a-half drive from our rental home in Oakhurst.

Jake and mommy happy as can be enjoying one of the best and most beautiful sunsets we have all ever seen. There is truly something magical about the golden glow of sunset over Yosemite. It is really not hard to imagine why legends like Ansel Adams and John Muir were so enthralled by this majestic place.

There is really nothing else like watching the sun drench half dome with its warm fading colors. I don't think any of us will ever forget our time at Washburn Point enjoying the view and taking in the sunset.

Another viewpoint of the sunset looking out over Yosemite from the parking lot and down the stairs to where most people tend to enjoy the magnificent views from.

We absolutely loved our Fun Family Adventure up to Washburn Point. The views are simply spectacular and the fact that there are less people here, make this area one of the best in Yosemite to take-in half dome and the beauty of the valley below. For more information please visit Yosemitehikes.com.